How are domestically grown diamonds “grown”?
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How are domestically grown diamonds “grown”?

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How are domestically grown diamonds “grown”?

The formation of a natural diamond requires the power of nature and a long time. The carbon element deep in the earth's crust is formed into minerals after a long period of high temperature and pressure. It is also brought to the shallow surface by lava activities such as volcanic eruptions. After being explored and mined, it is carefully polished and designed before it can appear in front of consumers. After being packaged by advertisers, diamonds have gradually become a symbol of love in people's minds. Artificially grown diamonds are "grown" in the laboratory, using natural diamonds or graphite powder as raw materials, and growing through specific technologies in an artificially simulated diamond growth environment. This process usually only takes a few weeks, and the finished product is of equal or better quality.

At present, China is at the world's advanced level in the field of cultivated diamonds. In the past, domestic brands did not have a high say in the jewelry field. The emerging industry of cultivated diamonds has given domestic brands new opportunities. From raw material production to processing and cutting to downstream sales, the industrial chain is gradually improving, and domestically grown diamonds are also appearing in the eyes of more and more consumers.

In recent years, with the improvement of production technology, domestic cultivated diamond production has continued to grow. In 2021, China's cultivated diamond production has exceeded 4 million carats, close to "half" of global production.

"Mutual promotion with the superhard materials industry" Behind the increasingly popular cultured diamonds is a huge industrial diamond industry. Diamonds that sparkle in the eyes of ordinary people actually have a wide range of uses in the industrial field. Diamond, the raw stone of diamond, is a super-hard material in industrial production and is called "industrial tooth". In aerospace, national defense, photovoltaic, electronic information and other industries, processing and grinding various difficult materials are inseparable from these hard "teeth".

In 2022, China's diamond output will exceed 16 billion carats, accounting for more than 90% of global output. Domestic cultivated diamonds started late but developed rapidly, which is inseparable from the deep accumulation in the field of superhard materials such as diamond. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were many wastes waiting to be developed, but the "industrial teeth" were completely dependent on imports. In order to break through the foreign blockade, the First Ministry of Machinery Industry at that time set up a research group code-named "121" and issued an order to the Three Grinding Institute and other institutions to study artificial diamond. After more than 1,000 days and nights of hard work, on the night of December 6, 1963, the research team discovered that shiny crystals appeared in the synthetic rod. When using this crystal to scratch the glass, a crisp squeaking sound could be heard, and it became! It is the starting point of China’s diamond industry. The synthesis of the first artificial diamond was like a seed that took root and sprouted in Zhengzhou and spread throughout Henan.

Today, Henan has become China’s research and development center for superhard materials and a source of technical talent. It has more than 200 superhard materials and products manufacturing companies, forming a product line including raw and auxiliary materials, industrial diamond, diamond single crystal, cultivated diamond products and other products. complete industrial chain. It is this profound accumulation that has allowed Chinese companies to quickly seize the opportunity of the cultivated diamond industry.

Henan Yalong Superhard Materials Co., Ltd. has specialized in super abrasive fields for over 30 years. 

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